1. I couldnt believe my car wouldnt start before I went to go vote."SHHT"
2. My dumbass left the lights on & drained the battery. =(
3. Lucky my lady didnt drive today so I took her car. =0)
4. I got real lucky & found a parking spot right in front."YEEEESSS"
5. I go to the back of the line & it looked like a 1 hour wait "Not to Bad"
6. I vote in a Public School that has 5 districts each District has 2 Machines.
7. I saw a Lady with a big list she asked my district # & said "Go right to the front" I felt like a won a scratchy lotto ticket "Woo Hoo"
8. My distrcits machine had 1 person on line.I couldnt f'ing believe it !!!
9. Some people were crunchy seeing me breeze in & out
10. I cant lie I had the voting GODS with me today.
Now only time will tell ..........
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